The Meaning Movement Coaching Club™
This time we are in the lucky position of having the Christmas holiday season and New Year energy rush to nudge us towards making the changes we want to see in our lives.
The MMCC is pretty unique. We come together as a group (using Zoom classroom) to learn about
what all the greatest thinkers and the very latest research has to say about finding meaning in life.
Over the course of our six weeks together, you will receive small group coaching and the support of peers to start living a life that’s packed full of personal meaning – a life lived by design. You can
check out all the details for our next MMCC below.
Next MMCC Dates and Times:
January: Monday 13th , 20th , and 27th at 7.30pm GMT.
February: Monday 3rd , 10th and 17th at 7.30pm GMT.
1 hr
155 eurosCoaching and Hypnotherapy Consultations.
1 hr
65 euros